Get started on yard sale shopping now, before the Longest Yard Sale in the World begins! Located at the Price Right Convenience Store at 2900 Taft Hwy., the Highway to Haiti Yard Sale will benefit the St. Antoine School, a parish mission in Haiti. Please plan to shop for treasures at this great sale under the big tent. The sale starts Monday, July 25, and will run during the Highway 127 World's Longest Yard Sale, ending August 7.
More than 300 families from St. Augustine's Catholic Church will be donating wonderful items, from antiques, curios, games, toys, furniture, books and other assorted finds.
St. Antoine's School was founded by Signal native Jack Davidson with the support of St. Augustine’s Catholic Church. He heads the American Haitian Foundation, which underwrites the school where over 1,500 children, from kindergarten through the 13th grade (schools in Haiti have 13 grades), are fed and educated.
The sale accepts cash or checks (with a driver's license and a photo ID).
American Haitian Foundation Board member Betty Miles encourages everyone to donate and then shop at the Highway to Haiti Yard Sale to support the St. Antoine School, which gives hope to so many who need a hand up in Haiti.
More than 300 families from St. Augustine's Catholic Church will be donating wonderful items, from antiques, curios, games, toys, furniture, books and other assorted finds.
St. Antoine's School was founded by Signal native Jack Davidson with the support of St. Augustine’s Catholic Church. He heads the American Haitian Foundation, which underwrites the school where over 1,500 children, from kindergarten through the 13th grade (schools in Haiti have 13 grades), are fed and educated.
The sale accepts cash or checks (with a driver's license and a photo ID).
American Haitian Foundation Board member Betty Miles encourages everyone to donate and then shop at the Highway to Haiti Yard Sale to support the St. Antoine School, which gives hope to so many who need a hand up in Haiti.