The Signal Mountain High School cheerleaders will offer their popular Cheer Eaglets summer camp again this year, giving students ages 4 to rising fifth-graders the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of cheerleading at SMHS. This camp takes place from June 3 through June 7, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the SMHS cafeteria. Now in its 11th year, the camp is designed to offer cheerleading instruction in a safe environment, promoting enthusiasm for the sport and molding these eaglets into energetic cheerleaders.
The SMHS cheer coaches, Olivia Web and Laura Willingham, will direct the camp. The instructors will consist of the entire high school cheerleading squad. All of these 17 instructors have a love for children and a specialized skill.
Eaglets are split up according to age to learn chants, jumps, motion drills, cheers, spirit, basic tumbling and stunts, safety skills and a dance. Parents are invited to experience their child’s new skills in action during a performance held on the last day of camp on Friday, June 7, at 12:30 p.m. The cost of the camp is $170 per child and includes drinks, snacks and a camp T-shirt. Eaglets will need to provide their own sack lunch.
Registration forms are available at both Thrasher and Nolan elementary schools, as well as local preschools. Be on the lookout for the form in your child’s backpack. Completed forms and a check made payable to SMHS should be mailed to SMMHS, attention Laura Willingham, 2650 Sam Powell Trail, Signal Mountain, TN 37377 before May 31.
The SMHS cheer coaches, Olivia Web and Laura Willingham, will direct the camp. The instructors will consist of the entire high school cheerleading squad. All of these 17 instructors have a love for children and a specialized skill.
Eaglets are split up according to age to learn chants, jumps, motion drills, cheers, spirit, basic tumbling and stunts, safety skills and a dance. Parents are invited to experience their child’s new skills in action during a performance held on the last day of camp on Friday, June 7, at 12:30 p.m. The cost of the camp is $170 per child and includes drinks, snacks and a camp T-shirt. Eaglets will need to provide their own sack lunch.
Registration forms are available at both Thrasher and Nolan elementary schools, as well as local preschools. Be on the lookout for the form in your child’s backpack. Completed forms and a check made payable to SMHS should be mailed to SMMHS, attention Laura Willingham, 2650 Sam Powell Trail, Signal Mountain, TN 37377 before May 31.